Tapered Roller Bearing


Inside diameter 25
Outside diameter 52
Thickness 16,25

Part number : 30205



The Tapered Roller Bearing, known as 30205 Generic, has an inner diameter of 25 mm, an outer diameter of 52 mm and a thickness of 16.25 mm.

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Your price: $4.65

  50+ parts in stock

Quantity Price
0 - 4 $4.65
5 - 9 $4.07
10 - 24 $3.49
25 - 49 $2.91
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The Tapered Roller Bearing, known as 30205 Generic, has an inner diameter of 25 mm, an outer diameter of 52 mm and a thickness of 16.25 mm.

See data sheet

You can find all the information you need about our products in our expert's advice, by clicking here Here

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